Quit smoking

You know that when you stop smoking, it's one of the best things you can do for your health. But he also knows that quitting smoking can be challenging and that most smokers need several attempts before they can succeed.

So, how do you stop smoking, with luck forever? These proven strategies can help you reach your goal of quitting smoking.

List all the reasons why you want to quit smoking. It can include: - Improve your health
- Reducing disease risk
- Do not expose family members or friends to secondhand smoke
- Set a good example for their children
- Saving Money
- Eliminate the lingering odor of tobacco smoke

Every time you take a cigarette or feel the need to do so, read your menu and remember why you want to quit smoking.

Develop a plan to stop smoking. Most people have the greatest success in taking off by setting an appointment to quit, and then abruptly stopping that date.

Did you spend today without a cigarette? Give yourself something special. Have you spent the week? Count how much you saved by not buying cigarettes. Use special gift savings or invest money for the future.

Refurbish yourself for not smoking to do something you enjoy every day, spend more time with your children or grandchildren, go to the ball game, walk around, get into the tub or watch a movie. All your little successes can help you reach your goal of quitting smoking forever.

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